October 8, 2006

Hello! I always wanted to gg for my own cg mtg.... but many times I had to gg for Bro Ian's makeup cg mtg. But last thurs, I told my mum that I wanted to gg for own cg mtg but she just dont let me gg... so me n my friends prayed for me.... N I kept asking my mum to let me gg but she refused... so I kept begging her.... until she say okay.... u may attend your own cg mtg but this is e only time! Yes ... I' was like so happy n so blessed by what Sis Xw preached that night .... N thank god jeff offered to send me home or I'll get scolding from my mum. God had made a way for me! Also thank god that I got many gifts from my aunts n my uncle.... god is good all the time, n all the time god is good! Saturday I went for Bs N Sv .... I'm so blessed by what Pastor Kong preached N Daniel ... my Bs teacher so patience to teach me when I forgot n sometimes I dont understand. Yup, I learn alot abt thanksgiving .... N during sv we prayed for miracle healing .... Now I understand abit abt miracle healing. Thank god I can fellowship with my cg members .... had a great time with them!